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    Computex 2024 結果共36筆

  • Taiwan’s tech industry faces AI bubble risk, says expert

    At COMPUTEX 2024, amid industry celebration, Chien Lee-feng, former Google Taiwan head, cautioned against an impending AI bubble. His warnings highlighted the risks of Taiwan’s passive tech innovation and dependency on AI giants like NVIDIA.
    2024/07/17 17:51
  • TVBS leads in digital transformation with NVIDIA collab

    Discover how TVBS is leading the digital transformation in media with exclusive coverage of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at COMPUTEX 2024, focusing on AI’s future impact.
    2024/06/21 13:13
  • 《TVBS專訪》蘇姿丰曝「現在入行最容易」 給年輕男女這些建議

    2024年COMPUTEX以「AI串聯、共創未來」為主軸,吸引全球科技巨擘齊聚台北,更在台灣掀起一股AI旋風!有「半導體女王」稱號的超微(AMD)執行長蘇姿丰,接受TVBS記者劉亭廷專訪,以她的職涯座右銘「解決最困難的問題(Solve the hardest problems)」勉勵年輕世代、分享她認為最重要的專業精神,並提供建議給想要從事半導體產業的女性。
    2024/06/08 17:00
  • Taiwan’s tech industry poised for growth after Computex 2024

    As Computex 2024 concludes, Taiwan emerges as a leader in accelerated computing, AI demand, and green computing, heralding vast business opportunities and a new era in technology.
    2024/06/07 18:15
  • Int’l media cover COMPUTEX 2024, praises Taiwan’s tech role

    Discover how Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global tech industry is highlighted at COMPUTEX 2024, with insights from tech giants NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel’s CEOs. Explore the event’s impact.
    2024/06/07 17:50
  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
    2024/06/06 17:09
  • Reuters: NVIDIA CEO sparks ’Jensanity’ during Taiwan visit

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan sparked "Jensanity," boosting local businesses and highlighting his influence in the AI industry during the 2024 Taipei COMPUTEX.
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • AI PCs top highlight of COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the latest AI advancements at COMPUTEX 2024, featuring keynotes from industry leaders like Intel and NVIDIA. Discover how AI PCs and generative AI are set to transform our daily lives.
    2024/06/05 16:40
  • TSMC chair addresses relocation concerns amid tensions

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman C.C. Wei addresses the impracticality of moving production from Taiwan amid geopolitical tensions and the impact on the global tech industry, ahead of COMPUTEX 2024.
    2024/06/05 12:20
  • COMPUTEX Taipei 2024 kicks off, spotlights AI innovations

    Explore the latest in AI and tech innovation at the 43rd COMPUTEX Taipei, featuring 1,500 companies from 36 countries. Discover insights from top industry leaders and the government’s support for AI development.
    2024/06/04 15:12
  • Tech giants gather in Taipei for tech expo COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the highlights of COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, where Intel CEO Patrick Gelsinger and other tech leaders will showcase innovations in AI, robotics, and VR.
    2024/06/03 16:40
  • NVIDIA CEO shares vision for AI’s future in Taipei interview

    Discover insights from NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s exclusive interview with TVBS Insight People, where he discusses AI’s future, NVIDIA’s growth, and deep ties with Taiwan. Tune in on June 16 at 11 p.m. on TVBS Channel 56.
    2024/06/03 16:17
  • 規模空前!貿協估COMPUTEX「吸引5萬名」海內外買主

    2024/06/03 11:59
  • COMPUTEX隆重登場!台北101「點燈祝福」 見證台灣科技地位

    2024/06/02 20:49
  • 聚焦「AI」!電腦展3大亮點一次看 大咖齊聚宛如武林大會

    2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX)將於6月4日至7日舉行,今年大會以「AI串聯、共創未來」(Connecting AI)為主題,全場將圍繞熱門的人工智慧(AI),從雲端AI伺服器、邊緣的AI PC等裝置,到下游各種AI新創應用,展出最完整的AI解決方案。
    2024/06/01 11:21
  • TVBS World Taiwan to air NVIDIA CEO’s keynote on AI’s future

    Discover how AI is shaping the future with TVBS’s exclusive broadcast of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at NTU, exploring AI’s impact on industries. Tune in on June 2 for insights into the new industrial revolution.
    2024/05/31 20:31
  • COMPUTEX 2024「聚焦AI」黃仁勳展前開講 TVBS獨家轉播

    隨著科技蓬勃發展,全球產業處於AI革命與數位轉型浪潮中,而在全球AI與科技產業中,相當具指標性的「2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」,今年將以「AI串聯、共創未來(Connecting AI)」為主軸,於6月4日至6月7日在台北隆重舉行。展前,NVIDIA執行長黃仁勳也將於6月2日晚間7點,在臺灣大學體育館進行主題演講,深入探討AI對未來發展趨勢影響。TVBS身為科技媒體,積極投入數位變革,數位轉型成效有目共睹,也在此次演講中,開啟合作成獨家授權電視轉播的媒體。
    2024/05/31 18:36
  • 電腦展6月登場!吳子嘉驚喊「有錢人全來了」:救台灣1命

    已抵台的晶片廠輝達(NVIDIA)共同創辦人暨執行長黃仁勳,近日每逢晚間,就相揪台灣科技業大咖林百里、張忠謀等人大啖消夜;另2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)將於6月4日至7日登場,屆時包括黃仁勳在內等多位世界科技巨頭將齊聚。《美麗島電子報》董事長吳子嘉昨(5月30日)對此表示,全世界的有錢人都來了,並指這次電腦展「救台灣一命」。
    2024/05/31 18:27
  • NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang sees big future for AI in Taiwan

    Explore how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang champions artificial intelligence as a transformative force for Taiwan’s tech industry, engaging with top tech leaders and media at a recent event in Taipei.
    2024/05/31 17:24
  • Nvidia CEO surprises students with visit to NTU

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, made a surprise visit to National Taiwan University, engaging with students and receiving a warm welcome. Learn about the event’s highlights and reactions.
    2024/05/31 17:19
  • COMPUTEX 2024 電腦展:門票資訊、日期地點及黃仁勳演講論壇

    2024/05/31 13:01
  • 萬眾矚目!黃仁勳COMPUTEX演講主題曝光 聚焦AI生態系統

    COMPUTEX 2024 即將在下周登場,今年邁入第43屆,晶片大廠輝達(NVIDIA)連續兩年參與,其中執行長黃仁勳即將在6月2日舉行主題演講,眾所矚目。而黃仁勳提前一周抵台,到處美食踩點,他就曾透露,大家都很期待他的演講,讓他「壓力山大」。今年黃仁勳的主體演講內容,將聚焦概述AI生態系統的下一步發展。
    2024/05/31 09:56
  • 黃仁勳再添行程!觀戰味全龍、兄弟交鋒 有望登大巨蛋開球

    2024/05/30 20:33
  • 黃仁勳老婆即初戀!交往5年向太太Lori求婚、竟遇嚴重車禍

    2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)盛會將登場,輝達執行長黃仁勳日前也已抵台,29日晚間更驚喜現身臨江街,被民眾捕捉到和妻子Lori牽手甜蜜逛夜市。被稱作「AI教父」、在AI領域取得驚人成就的黃仁勳,曾多次表示老婆在他的人生中扮演重要角色;更透露大學時期第一次見到Lori便「一見鍾情」,而他追求妻子的方式也相當有趣!
    2024/05/30 15:51
  • 黃仁勳「皮衣穿搭」哲學:再熱也不脫?解析28萬皮衣的魅力

    2024 COMPUTEX台北國際電腦展將於6月4日至7日登場。出生於台南的黃仁勳勇闖矽谷,身為晶片大廠輝達(NVIDIA)共同創辦人暨執行長的他,擁有「AI教父」的稱號,每每訪台便掀起一陣旋風。而總是穿著黑色皮衣出席各公開場合的他通常會再搭配黑衣、黑牛仔褲,身上的皮衣單品也再度常成為熱門話題。
    2024/05/30 15:39
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